Alternative 23
Shop collection Shop collectionA few paperback pieces made during the "Monochrome 23" collection period, Being away from colours for a whole year made me miss them quite a bit and thus I allowed some meditative evenings with expressing myself on paper.
Beginnings 20
Shop collection Shop collectionA start for the personal style when paintings were a form of exploration and only used oil. The journey to the current known style can be seen on the timeline of works from polished brushwork to heavy scrapings.
Scrapyard nights 21
Shop collection Shop collectionA collection born mostly on lonesome nights in the atelier. Isolation was a key to getting in touch with my emotions and most of the works were done 2-5 times before calling them complete. That mean scraping off the oil and starting with new layers on top. In addition the finising layers often times had emotional scrapings on top.